Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 29: Dissolving Lack with a Chakra Clearing with Horse!

Today we had a whole bunch of unexpected cash flow OUT- for repairs to trucks, cars, the house, everything! Unexpected. Hrmpf.

Which highlighted a nifty little core belief that still rears it's ugly head: "There is never enough!" That's a nice gem that Little Jenn latched on to ages ago and is really stubborn about releasing.

Thankfully, the herd stepped in to offer both insight and a chakra clearing to help shift from lack & limitation to infinite abundance and, watch another self guided healing session I did with the herd that took a few unexpected turns with newbie equine healer, Gem...let's tune in...(hang in there during the wind in the middle- it clears up and the session takes some interesting turns!)

In that healing session, I demonstrate many of the steps to the Equine-Inspired Inner Inquiry Process- ready to lead yourself through a healing session, with or without a horse nearby? Grab your copy of the Free report: 5 Steps to Healing with Horses. Or, if you have an especially tough belief or pattern to clear, I'm always happy to help guide you during an in-person or phone coaching session:

Where do you need to release old ideas of lack and limitation? How can you invite sweet, infinite abundance into your life? Share your comments below!

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